Good Business Forum 2024

Making Work Work for Women

Transforming labor conditions to unlock women’s full potential.

Friday, October 25 | San Diego, California

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In the last decade, had women played an identical role in the labor markets to that of men, $28 trillion could have been added to the global annual GDP by now. This impact is roughly equivalent to the size of the combined Chinese and US economies today. But we are far from realizing this parity because worldwide, only 50% of women of working age get paid for their work compared to almost 80% for men.We certainly don’t lack good intentions.We have seen efforts spanning across philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and business policies for women's empowerment. The private sector has helmed many initiatives dedicated to enhancing the skills of women and shifting societal norms to facilitate their active participation in the labor force. From an academic perspective, we have written tomes about the barriers preventing women from joining the workforce.We have covered many perspectives but seldom addressed the elephant in the room, the work itself. Can workplaces be redesigned with care to accommodate women’s diverse needs? Can such innovations realize women’s full potential, ushering businesses into a new era?In collaboration with The 21st Century India Center at UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy, we're hosting a confluence of thought leaders, businesses, and funders dedicated to transforming the conditions of work. Join the event, unlike any other, where businesses, funders, and academics get together to explore a new impact model that transforms the landscape of Women’s Labor Force Participation (WLFP). In this dynamic, day-long salon-style event, thought leaders will share insights on advanced workplace strategies and we will feature learnings from our projects funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Overall, we will explore emerging economic research that looks at the intricate balance between evolving social norms and entrenched economic structures. Our mission is to pinpoint challenges, spotlight success stories, and catalyze actionable change required to make work work for women.

A few highlights from the Good Business Forum | Redesigning the Bottom Line 2024 held on Monday, August 5 in Bangalore, India:

🔗 YouTube Playlist for the Good Business Forum | Redesigning the Bottom Line 2024


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Panel 1: Reshaping work, not the worker.

Society is replete with canards around defining a woman’s job. This received wisdom has an insidious effect on decision-making processes. The path toward gender parity in labor-intensive contexts requires a reassessment of the traditional work paradigm. Embracing flexibility in terms of work hours and locations can empower women to strike a healthy balance between professional and personal responsibilities. Tailoring job roles to align with women's preferences and strengths can enhance their appeal, fostering a more inclusive workforce.Prioritizing workplace amenities and an ergonomic built environment can create an enabling atmosphere conducive to women's well-being and productivity.



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Panel 2: Whose voice is it anyway?

Empowering workers to voice their concerns about workplace outcomes is paramount to achieving gender parity. Establishing robust systems that encourage speaking up against harassment, discrimination, or unfair treatment without fear of reprisal is crucial. Effective grievance redressal mechanisms that ensure timely and fair resolution of complaints can instill confidence and foster a sense of security among female employees.Leveraging data from these systems can provide invaluable insights into persistent challenges, enabling evidence-based interventions to reshape workplaces and cultivate an environment of equity and respect.



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Panel 3: More than skills to pay the bills.

True gender inclusivity involves a multifaceted approach that addresses systemic barriers and biases that women workers face through the course of their careers. Achieving pay parity across hierarchical levels is a fundamental step towards ensuring equal opportunities for advancement. However, this endeavor extends beyond merely identifying and nurturing talented women; it necessitates a comprehensive overhaul of managerial training and skilling programs.Drawing insights from more developed contexts can provide valuable lessons on best practices, while recognizing the unique socio-economic and cultural nuances of low-income countries is crucial for adapting and contextualizing these strategies effectively.


At Good Business Lab, we design, test, and scale programs using rigorous research methods that align worker wellbeing with business interests.Reach us at for more info!